The world has changed. What used to work no longer has the power to uplift us.

The collective energy has shifted and we are now all part of a global transformation proces. Nothing is like ‘before’ and never will be.

We are being called to find new ways of living, as individuals, as couples, as families, as community members, as coworkers and leaders.

The question many people are asking are:

  • How do we navigate our daily lifes with ease – through transformational times?
  • How can we create flow and happiness in unknown times?
  • What are we being called to be and act on now?
  • What is our part in the transformationproces – as a collective and as an individual human being?
  • Where do we fit in – when everything and everybody is changing?
  • How can I be at ease and be in a state of flow  – in the best possible way – so I can experience ‘heaven on earth’?
  • What does it take for me to acces my inner peace and inner heaven, so this is what I project into the world?


Surrendering at the Mental Level

When you surrender at the mental level, you begin your journey. This is a journey, a journey of awareness.

It is what we are here for.

Everything else is just stimulation, what I call entertainment, entertainment to stimulate the awareness.

It’s the experience of being, the experience of existence, and it doesn’t have to be a horror. The beauty of finally having the right frequency, being tuned is that you begin to be in harmony with the world around you. You begin to see through the veil that this is not just simply a place of horror and ugliness. But there’s great beauty on this plane. There are great things here for us to experience in this life, aware, the bonds that are there for us, love, friendship, all of these things, but aware


-RAHU, Human Design


Der er ingen tvivl om, at 2020 og 2021 har ændret os alle. Verden er ikke den samme, og vi er ikke de samme. Det kan være svært at sætte konkrete ord på, hvad der er ændret. Men alle jeg taler med er enige:

Noget er skiftet – og dette noget kalder på ‘noget andet’ i vores liv, hvis vi skal genfinde vores livsglæde, tillid til og håb for en inspirerende fremtid.

Mit bud er, at

1) vores grundlæggende værdier er blevet rystet og er ved at ændre sig
2) vi har svært ved at genfinde vores livsgnist/passion – fordi den kollektive energi er meget frygtstyret og påvirker os alle ubevidst.

Frygt dræber Livet

Frygt er den største dræber for livslyst og passion. Hvis du nogensinde har været rant af angst eller depression vil du vide, at der ikke er skyggen af livsenergi, kreativitet, nytænkning eller passion i det felt.

Og ærligt – hvis vi ikke passer på, kan vi alle blive fanget af frygtens energifrekvens i disse år.

Hvis vi kigger ud i verden i dag, ser det umiddelbart kaotiske ud. Der er opbrud og oprør. Både i Danmark og udland. Der lurer farer bag hvert et hjørne (hvis vi skal tro formidlerne): Miljøkrise, sundhedstruslen, politisk uro, en økonomisk krise der truer, mangel på varer, stigende udfordringer med mental sundhed, depression og angst. Det er som om verden står foran et kollaps –  vi ser ubehagelige skelletter der vælter ud af skabe hos mennesker der former vores lande, vi har ikke samme leve/rejsefrihed, og overalt hører ser vi splittelse og sammenbrud. Globalt, nationalt, privat.

Optimismen og livsglæden kan være svær at se – med mindre du tager ansvar for det selv.

Det kræver en bevidst indsats – et bevidst ansvar – at finde ilden, livsgnisten, passionen i hverdagen. Men det betaler sig, at få den bevidsthed ind:

Det er ikke og har aldrig været noget udenfor dig selv, der skaber din indre tilstand – den er du selv ansvar for at skabe.

Og det bliver så vigtigt, at vi både forstår og at vi ved hvordan det fungerer, fremover.

Hvis du har lyst, kan du spørge dig selv:

  • Hvordan kan du selv løfte dig selv?
  • Hvordan kan du oprigtigt blive sprudlende indeni igen – selvom det ydre er kaos og uforudsigeligt?
  • Hvad skal der til for at aktivere din kreativitet, din passion, din livsgnist, din optimisme i dig, trods transformationstider, hvor det velkendte nedbrydes og det ukendte ikke er tydeligt endnu?
  • Hvad kan du fokuserer på, for at mærke glæden indeni?
  • Hvad kan du konkret gøre for at løfte din energi og tage ejerskab og ansvar for ‘glæden’ i hverdagen en tid, hvor frygt og utryghed truer bag hvert et hjørne?

Her er 10 videnskabeligt beviselige – super lette aktiviteter – som udskiller kemi i din hjerne der løfter dit humør:

  1. Fysisk kropslig aktivitet, der øger din puls
  2. Vinterbadning
  3. Danse til glad musik
  4. Grine (latteryoga)
  5. Lav en to to liste, hvor du hakker ‘done’ af
  6. Få søvn nok
  7. Gå offline ofte
  8. Undgå sladder
  9. Undgå overstimulans (sukker, alkohol, kaffe)
  10. Vær ude i naturen

Fuldmåne i tyrens tegn i dag. Til dig der ikke er astrologi-freak kan jeg kun sige:


  • Det er tid til at kigge på, hvad du oplever som værdifuldt?
  • Det er tid til at give slip på ideen om at penge er lig med tryghed og frihed
  • Dette er begyndelse til at opdage, og give slip på, at du skal eje noget eller nogen for at være tryg
  • Det er tid til at besøge din følelse af VÆRDI – i blot det at være tilstede med alle sanser og oplevelser, i din krop.

Det er en fantastisk mulighed for at spørge dig selv, hvordan ’et værdifuldt liv’ ser ud, hvis det ikke skal handle om at eje noget eller nogen bestemt, og ikke skal handle om hvor mange penge du har og hvilken status i samfundet du besidder.


Der er ingen tvivl om, at penge og økonomi er et område, som vi må forholde os til.

Penge er forbundet med vores overlevelsesniveau da det betaler vores mad/husleje og giver os en plads i samfundet: en social status – og er for mange også lig med vores oplevede frihed. Med penge kan vi realisere drømme og skaffe os fysiske ting, vi ønsker os.

Vi lever altså i en verden, hvor vi har gjort penge = tryghed og frihed

Ubevidst bruger de fleste mennesker derfor også deres primære tid på at ’skaffe nok’ og ’skaffe mere’, så de kan føle sig mere trygge og mere frie.

Der er blot et men…et stort afgørende ‘men’ som mange ikke opdager i tide:

Når vi knytte vores følelse af tryghed og frihed op på økonomi, kommer vi automatisk til at blive afhængige til dem eller det, der skal skaffe os ’følelsen af tryghed og frihed’.
Og alle afhængigheder er pr definition forbundet med uro og utryghed om vi vil det eller ej – for i vores underbevidsthed ved vi, at det eller dem kan forsvinde. Og hvad og hvem er du så?

Jeg vil invitere dig til at reflektere liv over dine tanker om og dine tilknytninger til penge:


  • Hvad er dine overbevisninger om penge?
  • Hvor har du dem fra – hvor har du lært det?
  • Hvor meget tryghed du lægger i din indtjening/opsparing?
  • Hvor meget identitet er knyttet op til din økonomiske situation?
  • Hvor fri føler du dig reelt?

    De globale økonomiske tendenser peger i retning af inflation, af uro og ustabilitet på de økonomiske markeder. Allerede nu ser vi mangel på materielle ting i verden, og der spås at blive mere ’mangel’ derude.


Det er derfor en fantastisk tid at træne et nyt mindset – og revurdere:

HVAD ER VIRKELIG VÆRDIFULDT i dit liv, som ikke er bestemt af penge?


  • Hvad værdsætter du virkelig i dit liv lige nu?
  • Hvad er oprigtigt værdifuldt?
  • Hvilke relationer betyder noget og er du villig til at investere energi i?
    Hvad har du allerede som du bevidst kan prissætte ’at du har’ nu?


NB: Har du husket at inkludere dit helbred, din energi, din vejrtrækning, din evne til at være nysgerrig, naturen omkring dig og de oplevelser livet byder dig?
Alt sammen gratis og noget vi ofte glemmer og tager for givet. 

Inside each one of us is a flame, it is your life force energy. You were born with it. It’s yours to take care of and nurture through all of your life – with your choices.

It is your job to keep the flame burning strong.
Your life force energy is your inner drive to live life fully, its your inner glow, your creativity, your passion, your desires and lust for life.
Its what makes you FEEL VIBRANT & ALIVE in every cell of your body 🔥

Your internal flame can be like a hugh big fire – or it can be just a small tiny flame, almost not burning.
It all depends on the CHOICES you make!!!

These days/ years many people don’t fell alive and vibrant.
Their inner flame has died out because of fear, outer restrictions and rules.
They have stagnated in life and lost the feeling of edge, passion and inspiration to create.
But remember, its your job to make sure the fire inside you is still burning 🔥

Look at the choices you make:
Do they light you up from within? Or put your inner flame out?

– What makes you feel alive and vibrant?
– What makes you feel stagnent?
– What makes your inner fire burn strong?
– What shuts it out?
– What do you desire in life?
– What are you passionate about?
– What is old patterns that drains your energy, and are no longer serving you?

Please – Make new choices 🙏
Go live your life.
Don’t let anyone or anything close down your inner flame.

It’s your life 🔥
If the flame is small, makes conscious choices to fire it up:
Go follow your desire and your passions 🔥
Break through all the inner and outer restrictions that keep you stagnant.

You are here to live your life fully and inspire others to do the same

”We need children to be awakened: they’re going to carry the energy into the future. They’re the ones who are going to have to deal with a world that is radically different.
(…) the equipment they need is the ability to act as independent role models in an age that will demand they can operate correctly as themselves.
We’re here to give our children their own authority.
This is what I care about, that every single human being, every child that comes into this world is taught that they can have their own authority.
For me, the whole thing is to embrace the uniqueness of your child.

All this concern about child psychiatry and child therapy, and all of these drugs and things that human beings are doing to their children; this is the West, I don’t want to talk about the Third World and its enormous abuse of children one way or another.It’s got to be clear that this is a question of consciousness. I can give you nice techniques but really, you have to grasp this is about consciousness, it’s about being aware.

We need to teach young people – and every one – that they can have their own authority. Embrace your own uniqueness.

It is a question of consciousness.”

When Einstein gave lectures at U.S. universities, the recurring question that students asked him most was:

– Do you believe in God?


And he always answered:
– I believe in the God of Spinoza.
Baruch de Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher considered one of the great rationalists of 17th century philosophy, along with Descartes.
(Spinoza) : God would say:
Stop praying.
What I want you to do is go out into the world and enjoy your life. I want you to sing, have fun and enjoy everything I’ve made for you.
Stop going into those dark, cold temples that you built yourself and saying they are my house. My house is in the mountains, in the woods, rivers, lakes, beaches. That’s where I live and there I express my love for you.
Stop blaming me for your miserable life; I never told you there was anything wrong with you or that you were a sinner, or that your sexuality was a bad thing. Sex is a gift I have given you and with which you can express your love, your ecstasy, your joy. So don’t blame me for everything they made you believe.
Stop reading alleged sacred scriptures that have nothing to do with me. If you can’t read me in a sunrise, in a landscape, in the look of your friends, in your son’s eyes… ➤ you will find me in no book!
Stop asking me “will you tell me how to do my job?” Stop being so scared of me. I do not judge you or criticize you, nor get angry, or bothered. I am pure love.
Stop asking for forgiveness, there’s nothing to forgive. If I made you… I filled you with passions, limitations, pleasures, feelings, needs, inconsistencies… free will. How can I blame you if you respond to something I put in you? How can I punish you for being the way you are, if I’m the one who made you? Do you think I could create a place to burn all my children who behave badly for the rest of eternity? What kind of god would do that?
Respect your peers and don’t do what you don’t want for yourself. All I ask is that you pay attention in your life, that alertness is your guide.
My beloved, this life is not a test, not a step on the way, not a rehearsal, nor a prelude to paradise. This life is the only thing here and now and it is all you need.
I have set you absolutely free, no prizes or punishments, no sins or virtues, no one carries a marker, no one keeps a record.
You are absolutely free to create in your life. Heaven or hell.
➤ I can’t tell you if there’s anything after this life but I can give you a tip. Live as if there is not. As if this is your only chance to enjoy, to love, to exist.
So, if there’s nothing after, then you will have enjoyed the opportunity I gave you. And if there is, rest assured that I won’t ask if you behaved right or wrong, I’ll ask. Did you like it? Did you have fun? What did you enjoy the most? What did you learn?…
Stop believing in me; believing is assuming, guessing, imagining. I don’t want you to believe in me, I want you to believe in you. I want you to feel me in you when you kiss your beloved, when you tuck in your little girl, when you caress your dog, when you bathe in the sea.
Stop praising me, what kind of egomaniac God do you think I am?
I’m bored being praised. I’m tired of being thanked. Feeling grateful? Prove it by taking care of yourself, your health, your relationships, the world. Express your joy! That’s the way to praise me.
Stop complicating things and repeating as a parakeet what you’ve been taught about me.
What do you need more miracles for? So many explanations?
The only thing for sure is that you are here, that you are alive, that this world is full of wonders.
– Spinoza

(scorpio season)

I ofte feel alone
As if I am walking through life alone.
Asking questions no one answers:

Why am I here?
Where do I belong?
Where do I now go?

The feeling of loneliness hides deep inside
So deep within I can hardly find it
Covered up in layers of protection and shields.

I dont like to visit the darkness in me.
I try to deny it.
I keep myself busy and running
Filling my time with things to do.
Projects to fix.
People to care for.

Because when I am busy
I dont have to feel.
When I am busy,
I dont feel anything.

But in the silence and stilness
When there is nothing to do
I cant hide
I feel it coming to surface.

A deep longing
to be loved for no reason, to belong and to connect
with someone or something.

I just dont know how
I never learned

So I drift along – alone
Do my best to survive
I keep on a happy face and a smile

But in the stilness I cry.

When I allow myself to feel
I feel the emptiness inside, deep
I feel it in my chest, stomach and legs
Its a pain you cant explain

It is the feeling of emotional pain
Old wounded feelings
That calls for healing

In the stilness alone
Near the ocean
I let go and release
what is now ready to go

And then I am free.
For now.